**Important** Cooksongold Discount Codes applied directly to your account
One of the questions that pops up regularly is “I’m a Gold member, can you tell me where I can find the Gold member discount codes to use on Supplier Partner websites?”
Simply login to your Guild account dashboard above (not the Designer Directory) and Discount codes for Supplier Partners can be found under the ‘Information’ tab > ‘Supplier Discount Codes – Gold’
Also in your account dashboard is the option to manage your subscription, download invoices, a link to download the mobile app and a link to the Supplier Partner Directory along with other resources such as banners for the affiliate scheme and information about adding logos to websites.
Cooksongold Discount Codes
Cooksongold discounts are applied directly to your account with them and applied automatically when you subscribe to a Gold membership assuming your account number is added to your profile before subscribing.
If you have any questions about your guild membership, please do not hesitate to ask.