Author Archives: Alan Hadley

Win a Smith’s Little Torch #gojdmarchcomp

****Competition Closed for this year. Better luck next year! 🙂 *** The Guild of Jewellery Designers are giving away a fabulous Smith’s Little torch; 2nd year running. It appears it’s a yearly event now; pencil the month March into your diary! 🙂 To enter, for a change, we don’t want to see your jewellery so much, […]

Preventing Jewellery Store Robberies

A jewellery shop is one of the most prestigious retail fronts to run. It is usually well known in the area it is in, and more often than not highly profitable. However, with the benefits of running jewellers, there are also drawbacks, specifically coming from criminals. Recently, criminals have become more technical and well thought out […]

Using Nylon Jaw Pliers

A commonly asked question from those who are new to wire working is what kind of tools are recommended for beginners? Beyond the essential wire wrapping tools, a tool that is highly recommended if you plan to do a lot of wire wrapping and wire working is a pair of flat nose pliers with Nylon jaws. […]

The GoJD Print Portal

All members both Silver and Gold are now able to take advantage of discounted printing on a range of products through the new GoJD Print Portal in association with Vistaprint. Members can take advantage of preferential pricing of up to 50% discount through the portal on business cards, merchandise, and corporate gifts. The portal is […]

Choosing a Digital Caliper

Calipers are one of the most useful instruments in the jewellery maker’s toolbox and a tool that has added more accuracy and ease for taking measurements both for the seasoned professional and home/hobbyist use, but choosing the right one from the vast selection of models on offer can be like navigating a minefield. There are […]

Gold Members – Download Your GoJD Notice

Display your membership of the GoJD to the world! 🙂 Gold members are now able to download and print off as required, a Guild of Jewellery Designers membership notice for display at craft and trade fair exhibitions. Two versions of the notice are available applicable to membership, Standard Gold and Gold Plus/Extra. The link to […]

Household Buildings Insurance for Jewellery Makers

A common problem we come across with guild members is the refusal of buildings insurance when an insurer finds out jewellery making is involved through our brokers Hencilla Canworth. We are pleased to announce that we can now offer all members, Silver and Gold, a facility for house buildings insurance. A proposal form is available […]

Making Jewellery at Home

10 years ago, making jewellery as a hobby at home was a lonely pastime, perhaps selling the odd item to family and friends and no real resources to take advantage of except for the local library, bookshops or local college courses. Nowadays, with the expansion of the internet, there is a wealth of information, networking […]

Code for Website Guild Logo/Insurance Badge

Trust symbols on a website are becoming increasingly more important and showing your visitors that you belong to a recognised trade organisation with ethics and standards can only help instil confidence in potential customers and help generate sales.            GoJD/BPA members with a Gold Plus, Extra, Platinum or Pearl subscription including PPL […]